
Home and Body

Movement-based Expressive Life/Art Workshop

It is said that humans HAVE a body. Who is a human without a body?

Based on the methods of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process, we want to explore what it means for us to inhabit our body, to LIVE IN IT. 

It is actually like a best friend that we cannot live without. We did not choose it, but we take care of it so that it carries us.

Beauty in the Broken

Expressive Life/Art Photography Workshop

Human Nature/Origin of Life

Dance Life/Art Workshop


Empowerment: Queen of the Castle

Movement-based Expressive Life/Art Workshop

Coming Home to the Body

Movement-based Expressive Life/Art Workshop

It is said that humans HAVE a body. Who is a human without a body?

Based on the methods of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process, we want to explore what it means for us to inhabit our body, to LIVE IN IT. 

We actually cannot live without it. We did not choose it, but we take care of it so that it carries us.


12. April 2024, 13:30-15:30, K77 Studio, Berlin

Tales of the body: Chest

Movement-based Expressive Life/Art Workshop

Our body is the foundation, witness and creator of our life. The art of expression can decorate the life hidden quietly within us with colors, whirl the quiet voices through the room, the loud rush of restlessness reveal its holding feelings in a quiet moment.

Based on the method of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process, we want to explore which stories, memories, needs and dreams live in our chest. In its movement possibilities there are, as it were, life questions of opening and closing. The forward and the back. The beauty and the vulnerability.

Through movement, poetry and painting we want to trace its meaning in our life and listen to where we want to open or close in life, where it calls us and what we want to complete, how we are in life right now with our strength and beauty and our sensitivity and vulnerability and recognize its resources.


5, February 2022, 10:00-12:00, Tanzzentrale, Leipzig